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About my work 


I grew up in a city on the shoreline, and for 12 years I worked as a maritime archaeologist and as an archaeology photographer (at the Israeli Antiquities Authority and later at the Hecht Museum and the Recanaty Institute of Maritime Studies at the University of Haifa). Following a personal crisis, I retired from academia and underwater photography (2006) and I replaced the research-scientific language with the language of art. The maritime biography is steeped with the DNA of my work and is the starting point of the artistic and visual research I am doing at present. Through photography, video and installation works, I am mapping out my personal space, and exploring the visual and material aesthetics of mechanisms of commemoration, conservation and change (environment - climate - sea level rise). The camera for me is like a third eye - the one that sees where I do not see. It is an "invasive" means that allows my vision to penetrate beyond the outer shell of the body and memory, and to bring together the real and the imagined, the living and the inanimate. The ability to breathe movement / life into something frozen, dead, motivates artistic processes that consist of conflicts or ambivalent feelings of alienation and belonging that take place within me at the same time.

The material and aesthetic representations I use come from my private archive, and reflect on the physical, cultural and political space in which I live and from which I create. I connect constituent events in my life that have left marks on me, on both body and mind, such as a severe skin disease or the death of my father, and findings of place and time; between images from the family album and elements, intentional or random, that a human hand has fixed on the landscape.




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